School Counseling » ASAP Fund (Financial Assistance for Students in Need)

ASAP Fund (Financial Assistance for Students in Need)

The Anonymous Student Assistance Payment (ASAP) Fund is a district endorsed, student-led initiative to help IHS students in need with essentials like school supplies, groceries, and other necessities or financial assistance.  It is mediated through the Counseling Office, with counselors acting as representatives for the fund’s usage.  The counselors can provide students in need with various forms of assistance, such as buying school supplies for a student and then being reimbursed by the fund.  All of the fund’s users are kept completely anonymous, the only people with knowledge of the particular student is the counselor office.

If you or any student you know is struggling with affording essential items that hinder your academic success or cause a large amount of stress, please directly contact or refer the student to one of these emails:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

You may also call the counseling office at (724) 463-8562.

If you are interested in learning more or donating to the fund, please visit: