STEVE COCHRAN » Some Basic Information About My Classes and Class Syllabi

Some Basic Information About My Classes and Class Syllabi

Below is some information that you as a student or a parent of a student in one of my classes might find helpful:
a) I have a Google Classroom for all of my classes where I post all of my notes and any problems that we have gone over in class.
b) Students in my classes will have homework assignments that I expect them to complete.  Those homework assignments are listed at the end of the notes that I have posted for each section on my Google Classroom sites.  Conscientious completion of homework assignments is a crucial step in learning mathematics and ultimately in the performance of students on tests and quizzes.
c) Grades for all assignments will appear on Power School.  I would encourage both students and parents to frequently check grades so that they are aware of class standing at all times. 
d) It is my hope that my students will continue to progress throughout the year in both their content knowledge and their problem solving skills in my classes.
e) I would encourage you to contact me throughout the year if you have any questions about the course.  You may do so using my school email which is [email protected].
f) I have also attached a copy of my classroom policies and a class syllabus for each of my classes to this page.  Links can be found to the right of this text.
g) As a parent if you would like to join my Google Classroom page for your son's or daughter's class the join codes are as follows:
     3rd/4th period Algebra 1:  zromztk 
     5th period AP Calculus:  hswdqxb
     7th period AP Calculus:  tsxxpf2
     1st period Honors Pre-Calculus:  vnxq37o
     8th period Honors Pre-Calculus:  7k76d5q
     9th period Honors Pre-Calculus:  iaxs22o